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Any reader with even a cursory understanding of Greek mythology will recognize her name: Helen of Troy—daughter of Zeus, the most beautiful woman in the world, a “face that launched a thousand [war]ships.” Now take that image and fast forward about, oh, 3200 years, and you get Maria Zoccola’s raised fist of a debut, Helen of Troy, 1993. Through Zoccola’s poetry, Helen is transformed from ancient myth into mid-1990s housewife, from Greek goddess to American mother: dissatisfied, disgruntled, and viscerally relatable. It is a collection as unruly as it is beautiful, named a Most-Anticipated Book of 2025 by Debutiful.
Maria Zoccola is interviewed by E. Ce Miller.
FWR: This collection has all these layers of time: a character of Mycenaean Greek origin, reoriented in 1993 in the southern United States, speaking to English-language readers in 2025. Can you talk a bit about your process of navigating time as you reimagined Helen’s story? Why 1993, specifically?
MZ: I considered time constantly while writing this book, because every layer of that time machine (1200 BC, AD 1993, AD 2025) had to be intentional. It was a question, for me, of bringing Helen out of a hazy and indistinct past—Bronze Age Greece, more than three thousand years ago—and into a past that still felt crisp around the edges. I knew as I was writing those first few poems that I was entering the world of my childhood (or in fact, slightly before my childhood) in 1990s Tennessee, but I didn’t initially have a target year in mind. I quickly realized, however, that true precision in the detail work of the poems, real-life accuracy with elements like newspaper headlines, cereal choices, even popular fingernail polishes, would be a much more successful tool than the kind of generic nostalgia that’s easy to lean into with a story set in the nineties and eighties and seventies. For accurate research, I needed to lock myself into a specific timeline: when was Helen born? What year did she get married? What year was Hermione born? What year was my end point, when she returns from her affair with Paris and reexamines the life she’s living? I started there, with my end point: 1993, my own birth year, which was a little joke I had with myself while writing. Once I had my timeline rolled out, research became much easier, and the pieces of the book seemed to fall into place.
FWR: The title of the poem “helen of troy’s new whirlpool washing machine” really got to me. You’ve taken a woman so storied and mythical that her name has been remembered for thousands of years and given her a Whirlpool—she’s the most beautiful woman of all time, and it still doesn’t save her from the Whirlpool. Then, in the poem, Helen is sort of going on about the domestic bliss of this new washing machine…
sears & roebuck blazed down
the street double quick to black-bag broke betsy and wizard up a machine
straight from the cave of wonders i mean factory fresh six cycles two speeds
spin like a star trek thingamajig is it good enough for you helen what a thing
to ask as if i don’t crank the dial ten times a day just to watch the foam and
when she really gets up and running doesn’t she just suck out the stains—
(excerpt from the poem “helen of troy’s new whirlpool washing machine”)
I’m interested in what you’re doing here, whether readers are to take her words at face value, or is she messing with us a little bit? The next thing we immediately find out is that she’s been having this affair. So, all is not well in Sparta, as some of Helen’s words in this poem might indicate.
MZ: She’s the most beautiful woman of all time, and it still doesn’t save her—from anything. In the Iliad, what do we see Helen doing, when she’s allowed to have a presence and lines at all? Weaving, endlessly, the way good noble girls are meant to do. Her beauty allows her to escape death in the Trojan War, but nothing else: she is still entirely dependent on the men around her, tied hand and foot by the social conventions that prescribe her daily actions and scope of influence. In 1993, therefore, she is still washing clothes and dishes and cars and children, but she’s doing it, I think, in the same way Helen of 1200 BC is sitting in her Trojan chambers and weaving that tapestry: partially as a way of saying see? I can be good, I can do what’s right, despite everything, despite what’s inside me. (There is more to say about that tapestry, a textile masterwork, a history of the Trojan War Helen is creating in real time, but I’ll leave that for the Classics scholars.)
Helen is desperately unhappy in 1993. There’s a hole within her. She’s casting around for anything that will fill her up, anything that will anchor her down, and performing domesticity is one part of that searching (are there parallels, here, to the rise of the online tradwives in our current decade?). Embarking on an affair is another piece, another experimental avenue she walks down. And, both separately and connectedly, in “helen of troy’s new whirlpool washing machine,” the washing machine in question is of course a metaphor. Helen may be the most famously beautiful woman of all time, but she also has the world’s most famously stained reputation. She’s the ultimate fallen woman. In 1993, after that affair, she’s looking to wash out those stains. She’s produced a lot of dirty laundry, and she wants it clean.
FWR: In “another thing about the affair,” there’s this moment when Helen realizes she can’t discern her own child from all the other children crammed into the school bus, and she says that once she stopped trying to spot her daughter, she “just stop[ped] trying / on everything else.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but it feels like this instant when her child suddenly seems very far away from her, like she’s sort of individuated for the first time. I think there’s this moment in many mothers’ lives when the clarity of your child taking on a life of their own forces you to revisit your own life in a way you maybe haven’t in those immediate years after giving birth… So much loss can be realized in that slow return to oneself, right?
MZ: Helen’s relationship with her daughter, Hermione, was one of the fascinations for me in this collection. In mythological accounts, Helen is often given only one child, her daughter (though some writers record her as having sons with Menelaus and/or Paris as well). For a woman in Ancient Greece, a time before modern birth control and in which girls married in their early teens, having only one child is unusual, curious. Hermione herself was held in ancient sources to be very beautiful, though not nearly as beautiful as her mother. And in the myth cycle of the Trojan War, Helen leaves Hermione behind when she is taken (by force or by choice) to Troy; they are separated for ten years. Hermione is rarely mentioned in the Iliad. What, then, is Helen’s relationship to Hermione in mythology? Does she deeply love her daughter, or is Hermione simply something that happened to Helen’s body for the first and last time?
I reckoned with these questions in Helen of Troy, 1993. In my book, as in mythology, Helen has Hermione young, likely before she is really ready to be a parent. She struggles to understand and accept the pregnancy and birth, and ultimately years later calls herself “somewhat of an indifferent mother,” which I think may be accurate. She leaves Hermione behind seemingly without a second thought when she chooses to escape into an affair with Paris, quitting Sparta entirely for many weeks. And yet there are moments in which Helen feels her whole soul and fate to be bound up with Hermione’s, moments in which Helen may even surprise herself in how much she cares about Hermione’s happiness and future. Helen feels trapped in her roles as wife and mother, and yet there are times in which [an] awareness of Hermione as a whole and complete person, someone Helen created and is responsible for, pierces the fog blanketing Helen and wakes her up. I don’t think Helen and Hermione have a tight-knit relationship in 1993, but I do think Helen loves her daughter in her own imperfect way.
FWR: You’re doing something interesting with place here, too. Considering how much American children learn about ancient Greece in school—I mean, I went to this unremarkable public school in the Midwest, and at least a week was spent each school year, from elementary to high school, studying ancient Greece. We’d dress up and get divided into city-states and had to pick Greek names; what I know about ancient Greece as just this very average woman from the American Midwest compared to what I know about, say, the U.S. Constitution borders on absurdity, a little bit… Anyway, that’s a long way of saying: you’ve taken this place that, I think, for some readers, is iconic, mythical, and maybe—especially when you think about philosophy and art and mathematics and democracy—a little aspirational, even, and inserted hurricanes and hydrangeas and ATVs and caster oil and the Piggly Wiggly, this living landscape of rural Tennessee. I’m just wondering if you could talk about what you’re doing with place a little bit?
MZ: I too remember classroom Greek and Roman dress-up from my middle school days—I’m sure I still have my old toga in a box around here somewhere. It’s true that “Western civilization” (heavy emphasis on the quote marks, there) claims the Classical World as the ancestor of our modern culture, to the point that a complex understanding of that vast swath of history is generally lost outside of intensive Classics scholarship. The Parthenon is floored in marble, after all, and it shines in the sun: it’s easy to get an eyeful of philosophy and drama and democracy, and blur out all the rest. Because of course the Classical World was also made up of slave cultures, and was forcefully and systematically patriarchal, and was shockingly brutal in many different ways. And yet people lived there, generations of people, who laughed and cooked and worshipped and fell in love and cleaned their houses when they got dirty.
When outsiders look at the American South, I think it’s easy for them to do the opposite of what we do with Ancient Greece, to see only the rotten and blur out what’s beautiful and holy about this land. We laugh and cook and worship and fall in love here, too. We clean our houses when they get dirty. I could absolutely talk your ear off about this place, about the South: the dark history which is the dark history of our entire country, the revolutionary changemakers in every city and county working tirelessly against a system invested in drowning us all, the indescribable richness of our cultural legacy, the outsiders who relentlessly take from us while discounting us and our worth. That’s not to say that Helen of Troy, 1993 is set in Tennessee as a kind of protest against or reaction to what folks tell me, to my face, about the American South. I set this book here in Tennessee because I live here in Tennessee. I went to Piggly Wiggly after school with my Mimi and hunched in the bleachers reading my book during Friday night football games. Tennessee is my home, and I belong here, the same way this version of Helen belongs here, no matter what her (my) (our) community—still always ready to push out what is different; bless our constant ugliness—may think or prefer.
FWR: Do you remember when you first encountered the story of Helen of Troy and perhaps how she struck you? What about Helen in particular fascinates you, resonates with you, frustrates you, etc…?
MZ: I’ve loved Greek mythology since I was a little girl running in and out of my local branches of Memphis Public Libraries and reading books that were far too adult for me. I encountered the story of the Trojan War as a child, and then again when I read the Iliad for the first time as a young teen. At the time, I found Helen to be a deeply frustrating character. She begins her life as princess and then queen of Sparta, spends the Trojan War in safety and luxury as princess of Troy while a generation of men fight and die in her name, and at the end of the war, she’s brought back across the sea by her former husband and reinstalled as queen of Sparta. Compare this to the fates of the women around her, who at the war’s end are raped and enslaved or slain. To me at the time, Helen’s gentle treatment and good fortune were undeserved. Whether or not it was entirely her choice to run away with Paris, there was a war being fought over her. I felt strongly that she should have, could have done something to stop it.
Helen speaks in only six scenes in the entire Iliad. This is a character who anchors the poem, for whom the war is waged, and yet she is given so very little real estate, so few chances for the reader to understand her character and her mentality. We build our conception of her, therefore, from the opinions of others: other characters in the poem, other writers in history, other people in the modern world. The composite Helen created from this jigsaw of voices is both flat and contradictory: a beautiful, dangerous, two-timing mean girl. I’m embarrassed to remember how easily I myself fell into this trap, this way of thinking.
In the summer of 2021, though, almost out of nowhere, the first kernels of the project that would become this book exploded from my pen. It was like Helen’s voice was flowing through me, poem after poem, and as the project grew from a series to a chapbook to a full-length collection, I immersed myself so deeply in her character that I absolutely fell in love with her. The process of writing this book transformed my relationship with Helen. The more time I spent with her—in mythology, in her specific role in the Iliad, and in the version of her life I was writing in my book—the more I came to understand just how intensely she was trapped and controlled by fate, the gods, the narrative, and the social expectations of her culture. Helen is no villain in the Iliad: she is a woman without choices, reclaiming her agency in the smallest and slyest of ways. I even began to read Helen’s few lines in the Iliad in a completely new way, considering to myself what her tone of voice might be in the delivery, how calculated each word and phrase must be. These days, I dislike the shallow interpretations of Helen we often see in pop culture (the popular girl, the head cheerleader—I’m sure you know what I mean). To me, Helen is incredibly layered and complex, impossible to truly know. She’s the most wonderful mystery, and I hope other writers continue to adapt and explore her character for a long time to come.
FWR: Can you talk a bit about the swans? In the traditional Greek myth, the swan is Helen’s father, correct? He’s impregnated Leda through this act of subterfuge and sexual violence, which leads to the birth of Helen. But in this collection, I’m reading these swans as a chorus of women. Why was it important for you to reinvent the swan?
MZ: I’m glad you asked this question. In mythology, Zeus raped Leda in the form of a swan, thus fathering both Helen and her brother Pollux, who were hatched from eggs. In the original mythology, therefore, we might think of the swan as a menacing symbol of erotic danger, the implacable force of the godhead in an elegant yet bestial form. If we look a little later in the cultural interaction with this myth, however—into the Renaissance, for example—we see that “menacing” and “danger” have mostly been dropped in favor of the purely “erotic.” The myth of Leda and the swan was a popular choice for paintings (of course by male artists), in which Leda rarely appears unhappy with the situation, and in which the coupling seems anything but forced. This defanging of Leda’s rape—the transmutation of it into something titillating or beautiful—always struck me as a kind of betrayal of Leda, a woman who likely never existed outside of the myth tradition and yet could so easily be seen as any woman whose assault has been reframed as sexy by the men around her.
In Helen of Troy, 1993, I thought to myself that if the swan had become a kind of locker-room figure within our understanding of the mythology, I would respond by taking the swan away from that particular conversation entirely. I would repurpose and reinvent the swan. The swan would become a symbol for Helen herself, and at times a kind of anima or even guardian spirit for Helen and her town. Swan imagery abounds in this book, even when the swan does not have a speaking role in a poem. It’s also true that in my version of small-town Sparta, Tennessee, the pantheon of gods does not really exist. Zeus does not really exist. The swan is free to be and become. My response to the swan is certainly not the first time a female artist has pushed back against our cultural or historical treatment of this piece of mythology: modern art is full of examples of female painters and sculptors leaning into the violence of the myth or returning Leda’s agency to her; Barbara Walker springs immediately to mind, who in her work has actually turned the swan into skeletal remains.
FWR: Do you have an opinion on whether the original Helen, the possible real woman or the myth, who ran away or was kidnapped?
MZ: I’m not sure I do have an opinion on this. I’d like to hope she ran away with Paris, that a small piece of that decision was in fact her own (this is certainly the version I chose for Helen of Troy, 1993). But what is more interesting to me is that regardless of whether she ran away or was kidnapped, the following ten years of Helen’s life all play out the same way. She is trapped behind the walls of a city in which she is both a reviled foreigner and an object to be coveted, held up as the ultimate reason for the suffering and death of Troy’s inhabitants across a decade of war. She can’t leave, even if she wanted to. She has precious few allies—or even people who are at all kind to her—and remains subject to the whims of the gods at every turn. But Helen is a survivor. She navigates a political minefield year after year, and at the war’s end, she makes an extreme choice to save herself and bring about her preferred outcome to a decade of fighting. Depending on which version of events you believe (that is, whether she was ultimately on the side of the Trojans or Greeks), she either circles the Trojan Horse and mimics the voices of the wives of the men hiding inside, tempting the men to reveal themselves and be slaughtered, or she climbs the tallest tower of Troy to light a beacon to signal the Greeks that it is safe to begin razing the city. When nearly all of Helen’s agency is taken away, what does she do with the little that remains? That’s what fascinates me.
FWR: In one of the final “the spartan women discuss helen of troy” you write: “ah, helen. / when you’re dead we’ll cherish you again.” I think about all the real and mythic women who were so maligned—Mary Magdalene, Joan of Arc, Sinead O’Connor, to name very few spanning much of written time—who became revered only once they were out of the way. Do you have any thoughts about this?
MZ: It’s so easy to love a ghost and so difficult to love a real person. We humans are messy, mean, and contradictory. We make a lot of mistakes and don’t like accepting the blame for them. We’re absolutely awful to each other. And when we behave in ways that threaten the powers that be, we are eviscerated for it. But after we’re gone? After we can no longer imperil the status quo, or disappoint those around us, or have a bad day and act in cruel and small and selfish ways? We’re perfect. Our stories and lives and beliefs no longer belong to us: they belong to those around us, who can twist them for any purpose they’d like. We live on as marble statues, stripped of our grime, frozen in only our most palatable aspects. In Sparta, Tennessee, I think that this is what will happen to Helen. Is this better than being remembered only as a cautionary tale? I’m not sure. We’ll have to ask Helen herself.
- Published in Featured Poetry, home, Interview, Poetry
Jimin Seo is the author of OSSIA, his debut collection of poetry. Winner of the The Changes Press Book prize, judged by Louise Glück, OSSIA blends the voices of the dead with the living, resulting in a symphonic exploration into migration, dislocation, familial bonds, love, and loss. Seo textures his manuscript with poems in both Korean and English, reflecting the double experience of growing up in both Seoul, Korea, and the U.S. South, and of queerness. Other poems speak directly to ghostly figures in his life – his mother, mentor Richard Howard, and his ex-lover. Previously published in Issue 25 of Four Way Review, Seo spoke to Four Way Review associate poetry editor Nicole W. Lee over Zoom in September. Their conversation has been edited and condensed.
NL: I want to begin by acknowledging that this is an exceptional book. As a poet of the Chinese diaspora with my own multiplicities, I love how it engages with language, mothers, migration, and myth. It’s frankly unique in the way it refuses to participate in the performance of self-determination that’s sometimes expected of immigrant or queer narratives. And I love how it invites the reader to engage in the viscero-sonic experience of a body and mind crossing spatiotemporal, cultural, and semiotic borders. It’s amazing to think that this is your debut.
JS: Thank you!
NL: I have a funny story to share with you. When I read the title of your book, I initially thought OSSIA meant “bone” – I was thinking about the word “osseous,” which means bone. I was also thinking of two of your loved ones, whose voices feature throughout this book: your mother and your mentor Richard Howard, who, among other things, was the translator of Roland Barthes, Emil Cioran, Baudelaire, and Exupéry’s Le Petit Prince. But I recently learned that “ossia” is a musical term that refers to an alternative passage that can be played instead of what is originally scored. I think the double resonance is incredibly fitting for your book as a whole.
So, speaking of bones – I know you graduated from your MFA in 2010, and your mother passed away in 2013. After that you didn’t write poetry for 8 years. Recently, Richard also passed away. If you’re willing to share, I’m curious about what drew you out of that silence? To, so to speak, to give voice to an “ossia” or “osseous.”
JS: My mom died on January 8th, 2013. And in the years preceding, I wrote extensively about my mother. The joke was that when I finished, I would finally stop writing about her. And then she died. I joke that she had the last laugh in some sense. She haunts me and it’s comforting. I tried to choose other subjects after she died, but they lacked intent and intensity. When I did write about her, it was hackneyed. Or rather, I was. In hindsight, I think this was my first brush with translation problems – translated into English, Korean can sound overly sentimental. I think that’s one reason I stopped writing. This was the first time language was an obstacle to feeling. English diffused sentiment, and I had long abandoned Korean as a mode of writing. So I decided to ask Richard about writer’s block, and he told me there was no such thing – it just meant I didn’t want to do it. And I didn’t. He gave me permission to stop. Granted, it frustrated Richard terribly.
NL: Sometimes in periods of intense emotion, I feel like you need some space for the body to process.
JS: Yeah. My body was mechanically working to do the right things. Taking care of my people. Writing. But I think deep in my psyche, when I was writing poems – building poems – to use that verb, it wasn’t revealing anything.
It was during the pandemic I started to write again. I gave myself the task of writing a sonnet crown. I told myself I’d do it strictly: meter, rhyme, everything, and then oh my god this is not working. I constrained myself too much, so I decided to break it. I rearranged the lines until it was usable. The crown, in its musical equivalent, works as a set of themes and variations. It gave me a duration and continuity I couldn’t enact when my mother died.
Funny thing is the crown didn’t work. I’d made too many variations. A Spenserian, a Shakespearean, bastardized Petrarch. I remember laughing about it. The project seemed to enact my mother’s death. It was a failure of a life. Desperately, I translated the crown into Korean and it magically worked. I returned to the sentiment of my first language.
I think this allowed me to carry on. I mean, everyone was dying in 2021. I was already in a death state in my own writing, my own family, my relationship was failing too, I think. The crown allowed me to continue. In Korean we use the verb 짓다 – “to build” – for poems, houses, and medicine, and I guess in Chinese too, since the Hanja is 作. If I were to say I write a poem, it sounds gaseous and ephemeral. It’s abstracted. But if I build, it has volume, body, and duration. It’s physical. I’m in it.
NL: Yes, and as you’ve mentioned previously, the word for “author” is the same in Chinese and Hanja, 作家.
I love that the crown enabled you to bring together all of the elements that would become your book! The formalism, primarily, but also the musicality, and the use of Korean. I didn’t know that was how the Korean entered the work.
I’m curious: was that the first time you used Korean in your poetry?
JS: It was. I think it has to do with being in white dominant institutions. There’s a sense of performance in whiteness – my fascination with modernism, or, as for you, fascination with Shakespeare – that denoted a kind of mastery. And I was writing in English. I wrote technically pristine things, a cold demonstration of technique, though deep down I knew something was missing. It’s funny, because this is what Asian musicians are often told, technically brilliant, but no soul.
I understand English now as a form of abstraction and a kind of obstacle for image-making. I was amazed when I began writing in Korean. Images everywhere! I found that as I would translate my own English poems into Korean, the approximation, or the truth of the translation was actually in Korean image.
NL: That really resonates with me, as I’m currently trying to learn more Chinese, both classical and modern. And it really can be a, let’s say – I don’t want to perpetuate Pound’s ideas of Chinese being a language full of little pictures, because it isn’t – but it can be a very metaphorical one.
I feel this is a lovely little segway into my next question, which is about the bilingualism of this book. You grew up in Korea until the age of 8. Then you came to the U.S., where you lived in Jacksonville, Florida until you moved to New York. By this, I mean you grew up not only bilingual, but also as someone who experienced both a Korean and an American life. And if we characterize it by what you’ve said – your experience was a bodily one, and an abstract, performative one.
I imagine you carry your Korean inside you like a Russian doll. I’m framing it like this, as I feel this book directly reflects the experience of a person with two cultures. The book is written primarily in English, but alongside the English poems are those in Korean. To the uninterested English reader, they might seem like a direct translation of English poems. But a more curious reader might realize that some of these poems reveal another element or experience of the speaker. The voices in the Korean poems are in many ways more intimate, more direct than the voice of the English speaker. For example, the English translation of the poem titled “깨어나라 깨어나라 엿먹어라” is “wake up, wake up, fuck you.”
When I was thinking about this question, I initially wanted to ask you about writing a book that’s only fully legible to someone who speaks Korean and English. But I also want to ask you about the voices in Korean being more of your body versus the more performative, highly literary voice of the English speaker. What does it mean to live these two worlds – as well as the intersection of queerness – knowing it’s all a performance?
JS: Well, the language aspect of it – “깨어나라 깨어나라 엿먹어라,” or “wake up, wake up, fuck you” – is exactly the rejection of a particular reader – including me – the English speaker that is the nesting doll inside of me. The first poem, “Pastoral” is a direct address to the reader – to say, you’ve gotten me wrong – to say, here’s a narrative that you think you know. It’s a self-admonishment. Because in translation, “엿먹어라” means “eat candy.” 엿 is a kind of Korean candy, but it’s also a slur. In English I translate the slur into “eat shit,” or “fuck you,” and that’s coding. It’s like the politeness an immigrant builds to assimilate acceptability, to be easily absorbed into American society. Like smiling when it actually means fuck off.
That’s the experience of growing up as a Korean person, and an American person, and a Southern person, in Jacksonville, Florida. Everything has to be coded – my queerness, my Koreanness. As much as I would like to say the American and the Korean intertwine, they don’t.
So it does feel very separate for me, and I see this in the works of first-generation Koreans. I read their work, and it’s very different from my own sensibilities. I realize it’s because I don’t really know what it means to be Korean American. I renounced my citizenship when I became naturalized and earned the hyphen between Korean and American by giving up my passport. And it’s just a play of language, legal and politic, but the interiorly shift doesn’t matter. So I still, very much, feel like I’m two distinct people, or, actually, neither. I don’t know if I feel American. I don’t know if I feel Korean, but I do know I don’t feel like an Asian American. To hybridize by renunciation seems absurd.
NL: I understand that. I mean, on the flip side, I’m first generation, and my experience cannot be bilingual, because I’m not bilingual. I know some Chinese but I’m not fluent. The experience of being a Chinese person brought up in China and being part of the Chinese diaspora is wildly different on so many levels – spiritual, psychic, bodily even. So absolutely, the distinction between Asian American, and Asian and American, is a specific thing. I also have the added confusion of being partly educated and having lived in the States but growing up in Australia – Asian American and Asian Australian are themselves distinct histories and identities – and I’m often equally unsure as to what the hyphens mean.
Let’s talk about music now. To me, this book is symphonic – from the way it’s structured into parts, like movements or variations on a theme, to the individual sequences themselves. I’m thinking of course, of the Richard series which sits in many genres and styles: dramatic monologue, direct address, epistolary, call and response, but also the fugue. I don’t know if you were thinking about this when you were writing the poems, but they make me think of Bach and his choral pieces.
You and I have often talked about how your poems “sing.” We’ve also talked a lot about the object correlative, and how you return and transform an image throughout a poem like a musical motif, as in a fugue. I mean, to quote an example I’ve always loved is the way the image of the plum, divisions, and memory transforms from the speaker’s to Richard’s in “Richard Remembers”: “Richard, there is never enough music in the background / to fill the middle ground between illness and speech and body and / plums fruiting in the street vendor’s cart arranged like a 3-part fugue” to Richard’s response: “I catch what light slips / me: the name of a fruit as color, the good / taste of purple, a visitor’s too friendly voice as if I too am divided into fractions.” I mean, it’s just stunning.
I’m talking about all of this because I know your background as a classical pianist, which you were training professionally in until you had to give it up after an accident. I also know you’re interested in the Objectivists, Zukofsky in particular, as well as Oppen’s interest in the presentation of objects without commentary. This comes across in your sonically textured presentation of images without explication. After all, it was Zukofsky who said: “an order of words that as movement and tone (rhythm and pitch) approaches in varying degrees the wordless art of music.” Could you talk a little bit about your past as a classical pianist, how you made your way to poetry, and the influence of music on your book, as well as that of the Objectivists’?
JS: Sure. You know that it’s so funny you pick that quote about plums. I was thinking of you when I wrote it.
NL: You were??
JS: That line, that sensibility of the line, the sound came from you specifically.
NL: Oh, that’s so funny!
JS: Yeah. You know, I think it makes sense because a tradition in music is quotation. Honoring a composer and their music by quoting an exact passage into a new work.
Your interpretation of my sensibilities is also right, because initially I called the sequence “Three-Part Inventions,” Bach’s instructional methodology to teach however many – like 8 or 13 children – that he had. And Richard also had a book called Two-Part Inventions. This was a way to quote Richard’s memory, in music.
I came to poetry through music, and just like your training as an actor informs your writing, music informs my poet sensibilities. I began studying classical piano when I was 5 or so. I was a very bad student – my parents were in the US and there was no one to discipline me. But one day I was signed up to play a competition. I memorized the piece, worked out all the fingerings in one day and played – apparently beautifully – and won a box of yogurt. That’s how my music journey started.
When I came to the US, I continued lessons, and eventually went to university for it. In my third year of uni, practicing a concerto with fast octave passages, my index finger went numb. So I signed up for a poetry class as something of a musical invalid and became a poet. It was all an accident.
One of the first things the poetry professor said was that you have a voice already. I was like, what does that mean? It ran against what I was told in piano. That I was technically very good, but where’s your soul? So when I was told I already had a developed voice, I didn’t believe it. What does it mean for a poet to have a voice? Knowing more now, I think voice in poetry is the line sense and sound. So when I came around to the Objectivists, it was a lot like listening to classical music. It was recognition.
What’s interesting is how for the most part, classical musicians only play the dead masters. We obey, and say, “this is great music.” Though, if you think about it, why? It’s so subjective. But I do think musical training gives you a bar for what is good, or masterful. When I read the Objectivists – when I read Oppen – the way it was structured, the mystery, and the way it fell in my ear, it was as close to music as it got.
NL: I want to keep talking about your influences. We’ve often talked together about how, through the privilege and curse of having been brought up in colonial Anglophone societies. But you’ve also had the added influence of French novels and their long, mellifluous lines, as well as Richard’s influence. So again I have a several part question for you: could you talk about the influence of the long French sentence on your poetry, and if Richard’s poetics influenced yours, what that effect was?
JS: So my complaint in my own poetics is I only know how to sing. I don’t know how to talk. My proximity to Richard helped me talk. Particularly in dramatic monologue.
Really though, I didn’t show Richard many poems. I had him for one semester, and then I became his assistant. Being so close to him, and then reading his work, I think I just learned by proximity. I absorbed his fondness for language. There’s a wonderful line in his poem “The Manatee,” where he writes, “a manatee emanates.” The nearness of manatee and emanate – the two words resonate and become more than themselves. There’s a sense with Richard, when you read his work, and in real life, that he got so much joy out of the exact use of a word. Joy comes to me most when a mystery is enacted in the exactness of words.
So the French sensibility, I mean. I think that’s interesting, because when I started learning French it never occurred to me that it was my third language. I always considered it my second. I think I gravitated towards French because it’s the “sophisticated” language, from an immigrant socioeconomic perspective. I don’t know if it’s fair to say French is easy on the ear –
NL: – easy on the ear, perhaps, as constructed by English speakers –
JS: – but there’s an exactness that French has that I think really appealed to my sense of severity. I also think French generates an atmosphere – I’ll call it “aura.” When I’m writing in Korean, I think Korean lends an aura I can’t feel in English. It is an extremely clinical language for me. And I think French gave me this equivalent in a non-Asiatic language that also generated an aura. But actually, I think the French long sentence, or that sensibility, probably came through music for me. It’s like Ravel – the pedal, the ambience, the mood. It didn’t come so much in literature. I think it came probably through music first, and very formatively. I started music before I learned English.
NL: That’s another great segue onto the last question. I want to talk now about the Ossia poems. We met at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference during the Covid-19 lockdown. At that stage you were writing the first drafts of these poems, which was a long sequence in the voice of your mother. Later on, you wrote another series of poems that were in the voices of your parents called “Profanities.” These two combined to become what are now the Ossia poems. I was actually reading over a version of the manuscript you sent me earlier and I was marveling at the changes you made. I was wondering if you could talk a little about how you arrived at this sequence’s final form? When did you decide you wanted to rearrange it, and what was your process in doing so?
And then, of course, because we’ve talked about Korean as a bodily language – if French is a kind of migrant passport into some level of acceptance by white hierarchies, what does it mean to you to write poems that engage with Korean? I’m asking this because unlike the Korean poems in the Richard series, which are direct translations of the English poems, in the Ossia series, the Korean poems are independent poems that you would only be able to access if you knew Korean.
JS: What does it mean to be colonized? Don Mee Choi talks about Korea as an example of a neo-colony. So I’m interested in how that affects language, coming here as a migrant.
It’s interesting, in the States you have the profound experience of racism against the Chinese. The Chinese Exclusion Act, for instance. In the American psyche, the sound of Chinese sonics and language is very much ingrained and made fun of, in the media and whatnot. For example, the TV show M*A*S*H was set during the Korean war, but the Koreans were actually Chinese actors speaking Korean in a Chinese accent.
So what’s interesting about Korean in terms of language is that it’s not very well known. Because if you’re speaking Korean, a random American person will say, why are you speaking Chinese? It’s a weird double perception where Koreans become American but then we’re filtered through existing perceptions of the Chinese. Then there’s the geopolitical relationship between China and Korea. Because, of course, you hear about tensions with Japan and China and that relationship carries over into America. So you come in as a Korean, and then you don’t want to be perceived as another Chinese immigrant, but you don’t want to be perceived as Korean either. It’s not really conscious, I think, as a child. But then you kind of grow up in it.
I think what happens is that the Korean language becomes a language of unidentified shame. You don’t know why you’re ashamed to speak it, because you’re also working against perceptions, other ethnicities. At least that was my experience. And then there is the complication of being in the South and the racism against Black Americans.
When I came here, I only spoke Korean at home. We weren’t allowed to speak English to my parents. And that’s probably how I retained my Korean. But then it became a private language – when you were outside, your privacy was tucked in, and the public facing language was English. You move in social circles with English. You don’t have Korean friends, even if you meet a non-native speaker. You talk in English. English becomes the functional language. You become more adept with the flexibilities and the nuances of that language to hide. Because all we’re doing with the English language is hiding. And then, you forget about the Korean, like when I said I thought French was my second language, and not my third.
What’s funny about the Ossia poems is how they’re both in the voices of my mother, the English and the Korean. The Korean portion is my mother, blaming me for writing about her, in her voice, in English. The first Korean Ossia says “Do you feel better turning me into a white goddess? Does it make you feel better? Why do I have to come back?” It’s my mother chastising me. Still, it’s not her. It’s me chastising myself. Why am I re-animating the dead? What’s the use of doing that? Because it’s purely for me. And here I’m turning her into a book, and her voice, which is not really her voice.
It’s a secret. Most people would assume the Korean in the book is a translation. They’re my most private poems because they’re not translated. It’s my way of keeping a kind of privacy, because Korean isn’t a primary power language, globally speaking.
I like how it disrupts hierarchy. I think it’s necessary that you don’t understand the full scope of a person. In real life, you don’t understand someone fully unless they speak, you have to listen. The poem does the same thing. It gives you a visual representation of Korean that most people will probably ignore or just see as visual. And that’s the experience of how people engage with others, the visual assumptions. You’re not allowed to speak. And I like how the poem replicates that.
NL: That’s so brilliant! I love the way you describe this – the poem as replicating the visual presentation of a person in real life. That’s so true.
JS: Yeah. As for the sequencing process, the book was initially in 4 sections. For someone who’s so apparently about programming, I just did it in the sequence it was written in. The Venus poems, or the Ossia poems, were at the end. And I knew I absolutely hated the Venus poems.
NL: You talked about it.
JS: Yeah. And then, you know, when I turned it into my editor, he said, would you be open to re-sequencing these? I said yes, I want to make it without sections. And I knew I had to rewrite the Venus poem which made me think about how the voices kind of weave in and out of each other. It seemed to make more sense with the conceit of the book as a series of alternates, which of course is the definition of “ossia.”
The original title was Furniture Music – music that is ignored. That would have suggested that the poems floated ambiently only. In the resequencing, the poems had to be a full comprehensible score. It required a series of movements, or it had to be through-composed. In some ways it is a long poem, with a series of alternates.
I had to understand what each voice was doing, and whether it was okay to separate the Richard poems. That was the main concern. And what spacing them out would do. I had to dismantle “Profanities” as a section. Doing that was giving up a conceit. If I had a section that said “Profanities,” you would know what it is. But then I realized, well, it doesn’t have to be that – the idea of voice confusion was actually apt for this book. Because I think initially, I was concerned there were four distinct voices when they’re all in my voice. It made more sense to weave all of them together. Because these voices live in my body, so let me merge them. All the voices happen simultaneously and nonlinearly. It’s just a big, loud, merged voice, and separate voices, at the same time.
NL: I think that’s a beautiful way to end this interview. I’m so glad we got to unpack your collection in this way together.
JS: Thanks Nicole!
- Published in Featured Poetry, home, Interview, Poetry
OCTOBER MONTHLY: Interview with Salvatore Pane
We’re excited to share a new series of interviews exploring craft. In these conversations, we’ve asked writers to take us behind the scenes of their finished works, showing us the process behind the poem, the scene, and the story.
Last month, we spoke with Jessica E. Johnson, on her memoir Mettlework: A Mining Daughter on Making Home. This month, we’ve spoken with Salvatore Pane, author of The Neorealist in Winter, a collection of short stories that focuses on what it means to be human in an age of media saturation. For this interview, we focused, in part, on two specific short stories: “The Absolutely True Autobiography of Tony Rinaldi, the Man Who Changed Pro Wrestling Forever” and “The Complete Oral History of Monkey High School”. The Neorealist in Winter is the winner of 2022 Autumn House Press Fiction Prize, selected by Venita Blackburn.
Considering the focus of these conversations is on process, we’d be remiss to overlook our own process in conducting the interview! We’d like to give special recognition and thanks to our 2024 summer intern, Kirby Wilson, who helped shepherd these conversations from initial readings to their final form. Kirby was instrumental in crafting the conversations you now see before you.
SEPTEMBER MONTHLY: Interview with Jessica E. Johnson
We’re excited to share a new series of interviews exploring craft. In these conversations, we’ve asked writers to take us behind the scenes of their finished works, showing us the process behind the poem, the scene, and the story.
First is our conversation with Jessica E. Johnson, on her memoir Mettlework: A Mining Daughter on Making Home. This memoir explores her unusual childhood during the 1970s and ’80s, when she grew up in mountain west mining camps and ghost towns, in places without running water or companions. These recollections are interwoven with the story of her transition to parenthood in post-recession Portland, Oregon. In Mettlework, Johnson digs through her mother’s keepsakes, the histories of places her family passed through, the language of geology and a mother manual from the early twentieth century to uncover and examine the misogyny and disconnection that characterized her childhood world– a world linked to the present.
Considering the focus of these conversations is on process, we’d be remiss to overlook our own process in conducting the interview! We’d like to give special recognition and thanks to our 2024 summer intern, Kirby Wilson, who helped shepherd these conversations from initial readings to their final form. Kirby was instrumental in crafting the conversations you now see before you.
- Published in home, Interview, Nonfiction, Video
Ae Hee Lee is a Wisconsin-based poet whose debut collection, Asterism (Tupelo Press, 2024), was selected as the winner of the Dorset Prize by John Murillo. In Lee’s poems, heritage and belonging are examined rather than embraced. Visiting her father’s old home in Chungju, Korea, she asks the flowers growing there to “remember [her] from time to time.” Asterism travels through the three countries that have shaped her – Korea, Peru, and the US – chasing the spectres of all she has been and all she could have been. Her gift for sensual imagery is tempered by a relentless questioning of beauty and nostalgia. In a poem about the bureaucracy and anxiety of re-entry as an immigrant (“Chicago :: Re-entry Ritual”), she realizes that she must erase herself with each arrival, leaving room for “love, waiting/ at every side of a border.” In this interview, Lee discusses her journey in the literary world thus far, as well as the influences and concerns that drive her work.
FWR: I really resonated with the poems about the immigration process, the anxiety of going through border control, and the numerous hoops one has to jump through in one’s journey to secure visas and permanent residency. I am curious about how the language the immigration process subjects people to may have affected your own understanding of language.
AHL: Thank you so much for reading! I would say I’m glad you resonated with these poems, but at the same time, the immigration process, the anxiety, the paperwork, the money, and the hoops, can be so stressful that I don’t wish it on anyone.
I came to the U.S. as an international student to major in Literature and lived in the country with an F1 visa for almost 10 years, as I pursued grad school as well. I ended up meeting a person I could also call home here and applied for permanent residency, but I spent a big part of my adult life continually filling out and updating form after form to maintain my stay. This made me notice how the language of the immigration process and much of the political rhetoric around it stood directly in contrast with the language of literature and the arts that I had fallen in love with and had come to study.
In a sense, these experiences clarified for me the weight of language. Yes, there is language that seeks to control, hierarchize, and/or dehumanize, but there also exist languages that can resist the normalization of the former, reclaim, rehumanize, and love. So, I thought I wanted to be the kind of poet that strives to write in a language that is centered around such love and lives it out.
FWR: Food is a recurring theme and image in this collection — it becomes a vehicle for memory, tradition, and unconventional innovation, to name a few things. I am interested in whether and how food plays a role in your creative life today.
AHL: My mother used to say she liked watching me at the dinner table, because I looked happiest when I was eating. The act of eating, savoring and sharing meals, is something I find so much bliss in that any time I encounter a dish that is delicious beyond my expectations, I have the impulse to say “I love you” to whoever cooked it or is sitting with me. I also cook at home often – experimenting and trying out new foods, indulging in my curiosity about ingredients and tastes, inquiring about their journeys, their relationships with the hands that had made the dishes before me.
The way I experience food is not too different from my process for writing poetry, as I feel out the flavor and texture of each word I encounter outside or within the context of a line, and seek to learn about and from them. Since I was a kid, I kept a notepad with Korean, Spanish, and English words that I was fond of because of how they sounded or were interesting to me conceptually. But I would say food brings me a joy that feels more instinctual and immediate, while poetry is slower, and denser.
FWR: There are a plethora of forms used in Asterism. I am always interested in hearing writers talk about their process at a granular level. Would you tell us a little about how you chose the form for the poem “NATURALIZATION :: MIGRATION”?
AHL: When I write, I tend to have my poems lead me, and form is one of the things that the poem itself will make clear for me while drafting.
“NATURALIZATION :: MIGRATION” came to me at a pottery sale organized by college students. For this poem it felt right to be faithful to the sequence of thoughts and actions of the moment: to start with being present in the location, buying nothing, then move back to past instances of movement, to finally come to a reinterpretation of the word “naturalization,” hence the title.
“Naturalization” has always struck me as a strange word. While it’s largely defined as the legal process by which a foreigner becomes a citizen of a country, it also carries the implication of assimilation and a kind of belonging that is fixed and exclusive. This all feels at odds with how every living being exists in nature, always in movement, even when seemingly in the same place (the progression of plant roots, for instance).
While admiring one of the vases, I went back and forth between the urge to possess an inert object that made me feel grounded, the yearning to subscribe to the illusion of a “permanent” home, the thought I was not a vase person, and the consideration that I love and want to embrace the wanderer and wandering in me. And so, I felt the poem move too, which is why we arrived at a form resembling a river, the undulation of squirrels.
FWR: Do you remember when you came across the word “asterism”? And would you talk about why you chose that as the title of your book?
AHL: I confess I don’t recall the exact moment, since I often find many words by going down rabbit holes. What I do remember though is thinking how “constellation” didn’t feel quite right. A constellation is an officially acknowledged group of stars. In contrast, an asterism is a pattern or group of stars that can be observed by the naked eye. I didn’t grow up with a knowledge of constellations, but like many other people, I have stared at the stars and connected the shining dots to form figures of my own.
“Asterism” felt like it offered a more intimate relationship with the sky, and by extension, the world, and I realized the manuscript was just that. I came to understand the poems as a collection of patterns, personal and collective meaning-making, that arose from living in and reflecting the different countries and cultures I lived with.
That said, I also liked how asterism could mean a group of three asterisks (⁂), which is a symbol used to draw attention to following text, and that it brings to mind a field of aster flowers.
FWR: You’ve had three chapbooks come out in the past. What was that experience like? Did it help you find your readers?
AHL: I ended up with three chapbooks before turning to focus on finishing my first full length, because I often find myself jumping around projects. The result was Bedtime // Riverbed, Dear Bear, and Connotary, which are vastly different from each other; the first consists of Korean folk retellings rippling with “Hanja,” the second is a postapocalyptic epistolary romance, and the third is the chapbook that became the backbone for Asterism.
A backbone in itself is quite complex and beautiful, but with Connotary I started seeing a full body of work forming around it. While I can’t say for sure if I was consciously looking to build myself a platform, putting Connotary together gave me a more lucid idea of who at the moment I wanted to reach the most. Therefore, my hope for Asterism became that it may resonate with anyone who needs to hear that polycentric and transnational lives have a place in this world.
FWR: There are moments in Asterism where you appear to move very deliberately away from sentimentality. The endings of “GREEN CARD :: EVIDENCE OF ADEQUATE MEANS OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT” and “EL MILAGRO :: EDGES” come to mind. How did you arrive at the endings of these poems?
AHL: This is such an interesting question!
I confess there’s a bunch of cynicism in me that I fight against daily. A friend once shared that she mainly had a child leading her heart and an occasional elderly man that sometimes popped his head out to say something grumpy. In contrast, I would say I am mainly a grumpy old woman, but there’s a small poet inside that keeps murmuring “but…”
Even as a child, I felt rather unsatisfied with any perfectly-happily-ever-after I encountered in books. I do enjoy a good happy ending, but I’m suspicious of the perfectly-happily-ever-after, the insinuation that such an ending could legitimize and do away with all the struggles the characters had to go through. I think this translated into some of my poems, particularly the two you have mentioned. I won’t say too much about their endings so as to not impose my own interpretations into anyone’s reading of them, but for “GREEN CARD :: EVIDENCE OF ADEQUATE MEANS OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT” I sought to avoid certainty. For “EL MILAGRO :: EDGES” I thought to address the impossible prospect of fully understanding another’s experience.
The world is messy, and sometimes this can be cause for wonder, but I also simply wanted to acknowledge the very real feelings of resignation, helplessness, and loneliness that we experience as human beings dwelling in what seem like perpetually broken systems. Sometimes these emotions do feel like the end. However, I also like to think the very act of writing in the poetic language is a resistance against letting that “end” have the final word. For me, this apparent contradiction leaves itself open to the possibility of continuation, and hope.
Like yes, “What else could I do?” But… Here I am, writing. Yes, “It’s hard / and not so sweet.” But…!
- Published in Featured Poetry, home, Interview
Robin LaMer Rahija‘s first full length collection, Inside Out Egg, was released in April. Ada Limón writes that “each poem contains the whole unbound strangeness of the human experience–the offhand remark, the blur of being in a body– all of this is written with a humility and understated wit that both growls and sings….” We were thrilled to interview Rahija about her process in crafting Inside Out Egg, as well as the development of this collection’s voice and the nature of the absurd– both in poetry and in the world around us.
FWR: Your poems conduct us into a theater of the absurd where you satirize our fears, our peculiar tendencies and our most ridiculous but touching attitudes. Your voice rings with audacity, and performance, as well as rebellion. When you say, “Something just feels wrong”— about our culture, our lives today, our attempts to find each other, the reader believes you. But, the tender, humorous way your poems express both the wrong and the small touches of “right” give us, your readers, both pleasure and hope in finding community.
I’m fascinated by the short poems that you’ve interspersed in your text that raise mind-boggling questions like “who’s to blame for this bad dream” and comment on the many uses of the preposition “for.” Did you conceive of them as breaks or respites, or did you have other thoughts about their place and placement in your book?
RR: Do you mean the Breaking News poems? The Breaking News poems I thought of as interruptions, like when we’re having a meaningful interaction with someone and the news app on the phone pings with something insignificant, or significant and horrifying, or stressful, and then the moment is gone. I wanted them heavy in the beginning and then to fade away as the book sort of settles into itself and the voice becomes more focused.
FWR: I think many writers and readers, including me, are interested in questions of process. Would you tell us a bit about your process—how a poem begins for you, if there are recognizable triggers; how you develop that initial impulse; how you revise, and so on.
RR: I think about this a lot. It might be different for every poet. It seems like magic every time it happens. Often it’s phonic. I’ll hear a phrase that sounds cool, and it will get stuck in my head like a song lyric. A friend of my told me a story about seeing a fox on the tarmac as they got on a plane, and I’ve been trying to work the phrase “tarmac fox” into a poem ever since. Other times it’s more about just noticing language doing something weird. I was watching the Derby the other day and a list of the horse names came up, which are always ridiculous: Mystik Dan, Catching Freedom, Domestic Product, Society Man. So now I’m thinking about a list poem of fake horse names, or what they’d name themselves, or what they’d name their humans if they raced humans for fun. The trick is training yourself to notice those moments, and also to note them down and not just ignore them.
FWR: Also, to my ear, you have a very strong, confident, even outspoken voice in your poems. One example that caught my ear is your title, “I Can Never Put a Bird in a Poem Because My Name is Robin” and “That Is Not Fair That” voice, to my ear, is quite brave, as well as funny. How did you develop that voice, or was it always natural to you?
RR: No, it’s definitely not my nature. I had to write my way into this voice. I started out writing language poetry that was just pretty sounds with no meaning. I was avoiding writing (and thinking about) the hard things. Writing for me has been a lot of chipping away at my own walls. Each poem too I think has to work on becoming that confident through revision. I don’t want my poems to be complaints. I want them to reveal something, but it can be a fine line. I’m a jangly bag of anxiety most of the time, and I think my poems reflect that. Writing is an attempt to make the jangles into more of a coherent song.
The humor is mostly accidental, I think. Or maybe it comes from an inability to take myself seriously. I do want to get the full range of human emotions out of poetry, and humor is a big part of how we get through the day.
FWR: Who are you reading now? And are the poets you read representative of anything you would describe as “contemporary”? Is there such a thing now? I’m thinking of Stephanie Burt’s essay describing recent poetry as “elliptical,“ meaning the poems depend on “[f]ragmentation, jumpiness, audacity; performance, grammatical oddity; rebellion, voice, some measure of closure.” Does any of this ring bells for you?
RR: I haven’t read that but it feels true for my work. I’m reading Indeterminate Inflorescence by Lee Seong-bok from Sublunary Editions right now. It’s a great collection of small snippets, like poetry aphorisms, that his students collected from his classes. I don’t know how I’d describe contemporary poetry, except it feels brutally personal and outwardly social at the same time.
NEVER ENOUGH by Dustin M. Hoffman
April worked Hector’s hair into pigtail braids. “I fucking love you,” she said and then hated herself for sounding cheesy as bullshit TV, like burnt sugar on her tongue. She’d unplug every TV, yank a million miles of cable wires, just so she could be the only one saying stupid things.
She finished the second braid and told him to take off her underwear. She bit his neck. His sweat tasted metallic, tasted like a fizzed-out sparkler stick. She tugged his hair, wanted to fuck as hard as hating her town called Alma, as hard as hating her parents and their house served with eviction and this winter and this world.
“Someone’s watching,” Hector whispered.
Behind her, some horror was playing out: Her father waving a claw hammer. Or it was her mom, who could do nothing but gawk and worry. The queen of the crumbling castle.
April pulled on her jeans. Outside the door she’d left cracked, slippers shuffled against linoleum.
“That fucking weirdo.” She pulled an inside-out Suicidal Tendencies T-shirt over her head. “She just stood there watching.”
“What should she have done? You want her to yell? Or, what, slap you?”
“Yes,” April said. “Fuck yes. That would be doing something at least.” She felt her face reddening down to the freckles on her chest.
“She’s losing her home, too,” Hector said.
“Why are you taking her side?”
She sat on the edge of her bed, back to him. She wished he’d tuck her body against his again, but not fucking this time, just staying close.
The bedroom door swung all the way open. April’s little sister tromped into the room. She wore royal blue gym shorts and a white tank top. Her hands were wrapped in fingerless red-leather fighting gloves, and she had a shovel slung over each shoulder.
“Mom says you need to help.”
“Jesus, Elise. Know how to knock?” April passed Hector his underwear. “How about everyone just comes into my room to stare.”
“She says I gotta dig, and I said, bitch, if I gotta dig so does April and her screw buddy.” Elise’s leather knuckles pushed a shovel at April.
“Why aren’t you in school?” April asked.
“School’s been over for like an hour,” Elise said. “Where were you?”
“I’m done with that place. What’s the point?” She’d skipped the last three days, and she might never go back.
“Is that Hector?” Elise’s shovel tracked down his neck to hover over his heart like an accusation.
“Who the hell else would it be?” April said.
“I’ve never met this dude. How do I know?”
April snagged the shovel out of her sister’s hand. “No one meets anyone around here. Might as well hide from the world like Mom.”
“Not me. I’m taking shotput all the way to a freeride from some sucker college. Then I’m going to fight as many bitches as I can knock out until UFC starts up a league just for me.”
“You’re a moron if you think anyone’s going to give you anything for free,” April said.
“Maybe UFC will broadcast me kicking my sister’s ass.” Elise shadow-boxed jabs at April’s stomach. She finished with a fake palm-heel aimed at her nose. April didn’t flinch. She rolled her eyes and drove a shovel spade into her bedroom floor, chipped it because it meant nothing, because soon some other assholes would own it and now, they’d own this scar too.
Outside, April watched Hector and Elise foolishly pang shovels against frozen dirt. Elise stabbed with rhythmic violence. This was just another workout for her. Hector hopped on his shovel and struggled to unearth more than a frozen shaving. No one had any idea where to dig. For years, their mother had buried cash. She’d slip slim rolls of tens and twenties from Dad’s wallet and into Campbell’s Soup cans and empty shampoo bottles. Then she’d bury them in the backyard. Dad used to laugh about it, told them it made Mom feel safe. Besides, Dad would say, we have plenty of money so long as houses need painting and I have hands to swing a brush. That had been true in the fat summers, when just enough paint peeled off rich people’s siding to pay the bills.
“Why isn’t Dad helping?” April asked.
“Gone-zo.” Elise shovel-stabbed the earth. “He’s working.”
Their house was sided in vinyl. April’s dad installed it himself, was proud his own house would never need paint. Her dad had bought this riverfront one-story after the flood of ’86. They couldn’t have afforded it if the basement hadn’t filled with water and mold. Dad installed a sump pump in the basement and, at the age of five, April had helped tear the moldy walls down to studs. Gutted and born again perfect, he liked to brag. This was their house. Except it wasn’t anymore.
“It won’t be enough to stop anything,” April said. “Neither will this.”
Elise’s shovel clinked and she dropped to claw out a rock. She rolled onto her back and chucked the rock at the iced-over river, then did twenty push-ups before she resumed digging.
After a few minutes of digging ice, April gave up. She tried to remember watching her mom dig in those summers before she stopped leaving the house altogether. Through the window, she’d be wearing hideous gingham dresses she sewed herself. The ankle-length skirt would be crusted in mud, her pits sweat darkened. She’d wave at her daughters spying through the window, the setting sun and river twinkling at her back. She was beautiful, sure, but beautiful didn’t stop her from getting crazier.
April javelin-threw the shovel back toward the house, where her mom now watched from the window’s yellow kitchen light. April hoped she hated herself for burying all that money. She hoped she felt like dirt for not helping, for being helpless. She was probably thinking about the move, trying to calculate how she could seal herself inside a cardboard box so she wouldn’t have to encounter the outside world. Locked in a box would never be April’s way.
Hector was still at the same spot, still digging straight down when April touched his shoulder. “Let’s get out of here before you hit a gas line.”
“I think I’ve almost found something,” he said.
“Let’s go far away, somewhere no one we know has ever been.”
“Almost there. See.” Hector’s shovel spade dredged up tiny crumbles. There was nothing to see.
“Let’s steal my dad’s truck, then fuck and drink and do whatever we want without anyone watching.”
“Or we could stay.” Hector chuffed steam breath.
“He find something?” Elise pirouetted into more shadowboxing aimed at Hector’s sunset-stretched shadow.
“Almost,” Hector said. They both stared into the nothing hole.
“Let’s go.” April tugged Hector’s jean jacket. The sun was almost down, but they could still ride into it and turn into balls of fire.
“Quit nagging him, bitch,” Elise said.
“Quit encouraging this ridiculous shit.”
“Quit bitching about every little bitch thing.”
April slid her leg behind Elise and dropped her. Elise popped back up and tried for a headlock. Then they were both on the ground, and April felt how small her tough-as-nails little sister was. Elise didn’t understand how she couldn’t win this fight, how they wouldn’t find Mom’s money, how their home was already gone. Elise was making muscles and dreaming big and half of April wanted to punch all the hope out of her twerp face and the other half wanted to hug her so close.
“There we go.” Hector dropped to his knees, reached bicep-deep into his hole. April expected another rock, but Hector lifted a can of tomato soup. He held it up against the last sunlight. It was poisonous hope. If they dug all through the night, they wouldn’t find another. Elise counted out each of the thirty-six dollars with a yell that sailed across the river. Hector and Elise clinked shovel spades together, and then Elise ran the can into the house.
“I told you I’d find something.”
“Stupid luck,” April said.
“We can go now.” Hector was beaming. “I won.”
“My fucking hero.” She smiled too. But she was becoming as frozen as the ground, every petty treasure buried and irretrievable.
He jogged into her house, didn’t even notice she stayed outside to kick dirt into Hector’s hole, patching up the lawn nice for whoever would own the house next.
- Published in Featured Fiction, Fiction, home
ECOPOETRY FROM JAPAN with Ryoichi Wago and Rumiko Kora, trans. Judy Halebsky & Ayako Takahashi
by Judy Halebsky
by Rumiko Kora, trans. Judy Halebsky & Ayako Takahashi
by Ryoichi Wago, trans. Judy Halebsky & Ayako Takahashi
- Published in home, Monthly, Translation
MONTHLY with Alexander Duringer
Alexander Duringer is from Buffalo, NY and earned his MFA in Poetry from North Carolina State University. He is a winner of the American Academy of Poets Prize as well as the Bruce & Marjorie Petesch Award. In 2022 he was a finalist for The Sewanee Review’s annual poetry contest. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Plainsongs, Cola Literary Review, The Seventh Wave, The Shore, and He is interviewed for Four Way Review by Matthew Tuckner.
FOUR POEMS by Alexander Duringer
INTERVIEW WITH Alexander Duringer
Willie Lin’s debut poetry collection, Conversations Among Stones, will be published in November 2023 by BOA Editions. Simone Menard-Irvine interviewed Lin for Four Way Review.
FWR: I would like to start out by first asking about what it’s like to be publishing your first full collection of poetry? What was the process of writing and assembling like in comparison to the publication of your earlier chapbooks?
WL: My urge in assembling manuscripts is always to pare down. Because of this impulse, assembling my chapbooks felt like a much clearer and more straightforward process. For the manuscript that became Conversation Among Stones, I struggled with holding it in its entirety in my mind and had to be more deliberate in my approach. I understood how certain constellations of poems fit together but was a bit overwhelmed with shaping the manuscript as a whole. At one point, I actually made a spreadsheet of all the poems that I thought might belong in the book and notated and ordered them according to a few different axes to help me see how they might fit together.
FWR: Your title, “Conversation Among Stones” brings up questions of action between the inanimate. What inspired you to frame your collection under this title?
WL: That idea is definitely part of what I had hoped to evoke with the title—of speaking to the inanimate and what can’t or refuses to speak back, of language spanning, filling, straining, or distending across gaps, of failing to say or hear what matters. I think these intimations are a good way of entering the book, which I hope worries and enacts some of these concerns regarding the capacities and limitations of language.
FWR: My next question is in regards to the variations of length in the poems. In “Dear,” which is only two lines, you write “A knife pares to learn what is flesh. / What is flesh.” Both a statement and a question, you ask the reader to consider something so simple, yet laden with ideas regarding the body and violence. What was your process in developing these shorter pieces, and how do you see them functioning within the broader collection?
WL: Poems can beguile in so many ways, but I’ve always loved the compactness of a short poem. Part of it is how easy it is to carry them with you in their entirety and turn them over in your mind. Since I first came across Issa’s “This world of dew / is a world of dew. / And yet… and yet…” in a poetry class almost 20 years ago, I’ve been able to carry it with me. I’ve learned and forgotten countless things in poems and in life in the ensuing years, but have kept that poem almost unconsciously, without effort. Another aspect of short poems’ appeal to me is the paradoxical way time works in them. A short poem’s effect feels almost instantaneous because of its brevity but time also dilates across its lines. The duration seems somehow mismatched with the time it takes to run your eyes along the text. In Lucille Clifton’s “why some people be mad at me sometimes,” the body of the poem answers the charge of the title in five short lines:
they ask me to remember
but they want me to remember
their memories
and i keep on remembering
That last one-word, monosyllabic line, especially, seems to take forever to conclude. The compression of the poem—the words under pressure from the wide sweep of white space—exerts a redoubled, outward pressure and reverberates.
My poem “Dear” started as a longer poem (not longer by much, maybe 10 lines or so). At one point, as an experiment, I took out all the “I” statements in the poem and arrived at the version that exists now. Often, that’s how it works. I try different approaches and revise, sometimes rashly and foolishly, until something jostles loose. When I finally got to the two-line version of “Dear,” for me, the fragmentary nature of it fit with the precarity of its assertion and question. How the shorter poems appear on the page also matters in that I wanted the blank expanse that follows the poem to function as an extended breath. Because the book proceeds with no section breaks, it made sense to me to vary the lengths and movements of the poems to establish a kind of cadence, a push-and-pull.
FWR: In thinking about the themes that circulate throughout your work, a couple of specific ideas stand out as particularly potent. One is the issue of memory; the violence, complexities, and confusion of your past run their threads throughout the collection. In “The Vocation,” you write, “In the year I learned / to cease writing about history / in the present tense, / I was the silence of chalk dust, / of brothers.”
It seems like history, for the speaker, is something to be dealt with, instead of accepted unquestioningly. What does writing about the past, be it in present tense or not, do for you as an individual? Does confronting the past through writing work as a catharsis, a way to process, or does it instead serve as a conduit to expanding upon the ideas you wish to convey?
WL: I think memory—and the process of remembering—is an engine for understanding and, by extension, meaning. For experience to make sense, we have to remember. Knowing or thinking can’t really be separated from experience. It’s also true that memory, personal and communal, is restless and malleable. I have an image of the past as a landscape of sand dunes. The shapes drift. They slip, they resettle. How things feel in the moment can be one kind of understanding, how we remember them, how they shift, linger, rise, how they appear in the context of things that have happened since or what we do not yet know are other kinds.
In Anne Carson’s “The Glass Essay,” when challenged on why she remembers “too much”—“Why hold onto all that?”—the speaker responds, “Where can I put it down?” I suppose poetry for me is one place to put it down. (Though I don’t think I could be accused of remembering too much in life. I have a terrible memory.) In writing a poem, I’m making a deliberate attempt toward an understanding, however provisional. Poems are good spaces for holding and turning, for thinking through and imagining, for venturing out—and that is the final, extravagant goal, to reach out and connect with someone else. In my poems, I want to make a path that leads inward to the center—and out.
FWR: In that same poem, you confront another central theme: men. When you mention men, they are typically described via their participation in fatherhood or brotherhood. You write, “the men/slammed the table when they laughed/at their circumstance, or drank/too much to learn what it meant/to have a brother, or were true to/no end, or tried to love their fathers/before they disappeared into/hagiography.”
Masculinity here seems to be defined as a relational identity, one that is constituted by lineage and socialization. I would love to hear you speak on your relationship with gender norms and roles, especially in your writing.
WL: This question is particularly fascinating because I can’t say I conceived of my poems working together in this way, even though of course you’re right to point to how often these types of familial terms come up. I suppose part of the answer has to be how the poems relate to my autobiography. In my family, my mother is the only woman in her generation. She has two brothers and my father has two brothers. I’m also the only woman in my generation. I have three cousins, all men. I’m an only child who grew up in China during the one-child policy, so all around me were lots of children just like me, who’ll never know what it means to have a sibling. I felt a bit of an outsider’s fascination with those types of relationships and inheritances, especially as I got older and became more aware of the other social forces at work that historically favored sons. I think poetry can function partly as personal interventions in cultural history and memory, holding the ambivalences, contradictions, and idiosyncrasies that live at those intersections.
FWR: We see many instances of place in relation to memory, but there are only a few instances in which those locations are given a specific name, such as in “Teleology” when you mention Nebraska. Can you walk us through your approach to location in your work and what places need an identifier, versus places that can exist more specifically within the speaker’s domain of recollection?
WL: I think generally the idea of dislocation is more important than the locations themselves in terms of how they function in the poems. Saying the name of a place evinces a kind of ownership of or intimacy with that place. For many of the poems, in not naming specific locations, I more so wanted to evoke a sense of rootlessness and for the intimacy to be with the speaker’s uneasiness within or distance from those places. “Nebraska” in “Teleology” is a departure from that model not only because it offers a specific name but also because I think in this instance Nebraska is not a real place but an imagined one—a kind of projection that stands in for other things (the poem says, “like Nebraska,” “many Nebraskas,” “Nebraska is a little funeral”—my apologies to the real Nebraska!).
FWR: In “Dream with Omen,” you end the piece with “I would like to rest now / with my head in a warm lap.” This is one of my favorite lines, because it both speaks to the sound and feel of this collection, and it interrogates the two balancing aspects of this collection: that of memory and the mind, and that of the physical present. The speaker in many of your pieces seems to be constantly grappling with the subconscious world, made alive by dreams. How do you view or negotiate the separation and/or melding of the subconscious and the “real” world? Does the mind and its preoccupation with the past stop the self from fully engaging in the present? Can the speaker rest in a warm lap and still accept the darkness of the subconscious?
WL: In putting together this book, I became conscious of how often I write about dreaming and/or sleeping. I felt sheepish both because we are told often (as writers and as people) that dreams are boring and because maybe these poems betray my personal tendency toward indolence.
It’s interesting to align the past with the subconscious and the present with the “real” as you do in the question. I do feel the tension between those things in writing even as I also feel that thoughts are real and fears are real, etc., just as senses—how we experience the physical world—are real. And it feels a little silly to say this but I have a kind of faith that our subconscious is working away trying to help us come to terms with what occupies us in the real, present world even as we sleep and dream. Everyone who writes has at times had that sense that what they are writing is received, as if they are tapping into some other world or force. Maybe that idea is analogous to what I mean.
Memories, dreams, the subconscious, however the particularities of the mind manifest, feel consequential in their bearing on lived experience—they are how the real world lives in us. There is no unmediated world. Or if there is, we don’t know it. We must encounter the world personally because we are people. All this is to say I’m still learning line-to-line, poem-to-poem how best to articulate that kind of interiority in a meaningful way, without leaving the reader adrift. Leaning on dreams can make a poem feel muted and entering memories can feel like putting on the heaviness of a wet wool sweater and those things do not always serve the poem. I hope for my poems’ sake that I get that balance right more often than not.
Willie Lin was interviewed for Four Way Review by Simone Menard-Irvine.
Simone Menard-Irvine is a poet from Brooklyn, New York currently pursuing and English degree at Smith College. Her work has been published in HOBART and Emulate magazine.
- Published in Featured Poetry, home, Interview
BEST OF THE NET 2023 Nominations
ROBE AND HELMET BAG by Tommye Blount
COSMOLOGY by Sasha Burshteyn
DEATH IN SPRING by Mónica Gomery
DETROIT PASTORAL by Brittany Rogers
AFTERMATH by Robert Wood Lynn
WET OR DRY by Naomi Silverman
- Published in home
Ayesha Raees’ fabulist and fable-like chapbook, Coining a Wishing Tower (Platypus Press Broken River Prize winner, 2020, selected by Kaveh Akbar), is composed of 56 prose-like blocks—give or a take a few half-fragments.
These prose-poems, which are whimsical, profound, vulnerable, and full of pathos, grief, and transformation, depict complex relationships between parents and child, religion and women, lovers and the beloved, wishers and wish-granters. There are three separate narrative strands, teleporting between Pakistan; New York City; Makkah; New London, Connecticut; as well as more abstract spaces, like a Desire Path, as well as Barzakh (which, the chapbook tells us, Google calls a “Christian Limbo”).
The first narrative involves House Mouse, who climbs and climbs until the “end of all possible height” and finds itself in a wishing tower which can grant all its wishes. House Mouse performs various rituals including the ritual of death—in which both House Mouse and the tower die. The second strand, taking place in a wooden house in New Connecticut, involves three characters: Godfish, a cat who is in love with Godfish, and the moon, who is also in love with Godfish. And finally, there is the more realist narrative strand, with a female speaker—a daughter and an immigrant—who seems to speak for Raees herself, and her own personal experiences with family, religion, migration and displacement.
She is interviewed here by Cleo Qian, previously published in Issue 25.
CQ: How did you come up with the characters of House Mouse, the tower, Godfish, the cat, and the moon?
AR: Each character in the book embodies, not always wholly or too literally, a person of importance from my life. The book itself was conceived the night that I found out my best friend, Q, was in an irreversible coma due to a (eventually successful) suicide attempt. The characters in the book are my own reckoning with the different facets of the deaths we face in our lives before our eventual, more literal, ends. But I did not want this book to be so linear or literal; I wanted it to tackle death in varying ways.
House Mouse represents every young immigrant. Immigrants must leave their “selves” or “homes” for a better future, which is the mirage of the “American dream”—which calls for outsiders to come in and fill the gaps of a decaying system. Asian immigrants also, in many ways, are pressed for success or “height” to obtain ‘value’ from a very young age.
As a poet, “House Mouse” is also a play on words. What happens to a common house mouse when it is without a house? What happens to a young immigrant when they leave their homes for the world’s seductions?
The wishing tower is a symbol of the Ka’abah but is also something of extreme physical height, an unreachable thing. “Coining” in the collection’s title reflects stoning—a visual gesture, with prayers or wishes. Godfish is a play on goldfish, but this character also represents another close friend of mine, A, who was another young immigrant who left home to America to pursue another life and was lost in a tragic way. And the cat and the moon are, at the end of the day, spectators, both holding power but choosing to practice it in different ways; they are two faces of a white savior complex and American passivity.
I don’t believe I would have been able to say all I wanted to say without the aid of characters in this book.
CQ: Let’s talk a little bit about the settings mentioned throughout the book. What is the significance of the setting New London, Connecticut? Early in the book, you write, “I have never been to New London, Connecticut.” In the narrative of the Godfish, cat, and moon, New London is both real and unreal, and the wooden house they live in is centric to “unnatural happenings” and set apart from the “real life giant black road.” And what about the sites of pilgrimage throughout the book? Is America also a site to make a pilgrimage to, or is it a place to escape to?
AR: I have a love for places and the social cultures they inevitably hold. I am someone who has been in constant movement her whole life, and I believe places to be their own characters, to have their spirits. Therefore, the different locations in the book are all real, even the unreal ones. They are their own breathing, living organisms.
And that’s how New London, in Connecticut, feels to me. I have never been. In the book, it is a place of “unnatural happenings” as, just as written in the book, it is a place where Godfish died.
The character who is embodied in Godfish was my high school best friend, A. He went to Connecticut College (in New London, Connecticut) and was hit by a drunk driver while he was crossing the road at night to go to his dorm. The drunk driver, instead of calling for help, pulled A’s body aside and drove away. Leaving him. Right there. To spend a cold December night outside. He was found the next day. His date of death is merely an estimation.
I was myself a sophomore at Bennington College when I received the news. This was December 2015. I was devastated. Over the years of grieving, New London, Connecticut became a significant image for me. The side of the road A was on was very real. I don’t know what it looks like in real life. But in my head, there is a whole image. I live with the happenings of that night every time I am grieving. How can I have such vivid imagery exist when I was not even physically present? That’s the power words have over me.
The moon that captures and cannot fully lift Godfish embodies “moonshine,” intoxication, which failed both Godfish (and A). In the end, my friend was a gold marking on the road. And I believe when I started to write about Q [my friend who passed away after being in a coma], A came forward into the poetry as well. They both took me on the journey of characters and settings, and the book’s narrative reckons with all our losses and its impact.
Is that a sort of pilgrimage? I believe so.
CQ: The book opens with House Mouse climbing and climbing until it gets to the wishing tower. Godfish wishes to be able to swim to the sun, its beloved. The moon wishes to draw Godfish to itself. In Islam, Jannat-ul-Firdous, we learn, is a “place in heaven that is of the highest level, reserved for the most pious, the most special, the most loved.” Do you think the striving for height is a universal human desire? How do height and religion intertwine?
AR: Who are we but an accumulation of our wantings? Humans have inane, uncontrollable, desires that make us get out of the ordinary and strive for something that can give us, even for a single moment, a rich breath of fresh extraordinary. To be human is to be full of wanting, to exist in that kind of inevitable strive. And that kind of striving will always achieve some kind of height.
But my goal through the book, and of course for my own reckoning as a young ambitious Asian immigrant in the American landscape, was to ask what those systems of value ask of us. These “heights” we climb to that are a measure of our worth, giving our human life a value. In order to have value, we keep climbing. But until when?
I was thrown into this disarray because Q and I were ambitious young Asian women from so-called “third world countries” and quite alike in our dispositions. We wanted to be accomplished. To have value as individuals and not be reduced to our Asian womanhoods. But that striving killed us. I watched her fall. And I found myself falling. Like most Asians, we were sold to ideas of hard work leading to value, such as our grades, the length of our CVs, the honors and fellowships and residencies and awards. We were accomplished. But we did not have enough value to win the system that was built against us.
So what did we strive for?
As I was grieving, religion became my literature and God my mentor. I grew up with Islam but as with most religious countries, religion seeped in as a way of life rather than a radicality. Islam is a part of my cultural identity. It is part of my language. Islam is a constant reminder of how to live a life that prepares us for death. And even though I am (and was!) so young, to be handed so many deaths of so many loved ones left me in disarray. I was alone in the American landscape without much support or, as we all have experienced our capitalist systems, empathy. When I finally turned again towards Islam, I was looking for some sense that the West, and Western literature, could not afford me.
I will always say that I am not a religious person. After all, religion is a tool to control the masses. I don’t want Coining A Wishing Tower to be a religious book. I am, however, deeply spiritual. I do have faith in the unknown. I do believe in a God. Maybe when I am brave enough to proclaim it externally, I can even say my God. I have belief in the many rituals that help us decipher the literals of our lives towards a healthy figurative. A true kind of poem. It is inevitable for me to not see God with poetry.
CQ: Many of the prose poems—and the arcs of the House Mouse, the tower, the Godfish, cat, and moon—are written in a parable-like tone. Some of them also verge on fairy tales. You have such wonderful lines and imagination when, for example, House Mouse is cooking in the tower:
“House Mouse cooked fish for the first meal, corn for the
second meal, and melted cheese for the third meal. The
tower is one room full of great imaginings working towards
not staying imagined…”
Or when the moon tries to bring Godfish to itself:
“With every mustered strength, the moon lifts the water, rounds
Godfish into a dripping ball and pulls it through the opened
window only to bring it to a float and a hover in the storming
snow of New London, Connecticut….”
What was the influence of parable and fairy tale in your writing of these poems? Do you consider these narratives allegories?
AR: I celebrate poetry because a good functioning poem has great intentionality. If you spend enough time even with a single line, you can see how the poet has chosen to lay the words next to each other the way they are. Nothing is random. And everything adds to something else.
I do a lot of work with symbolism and imagery, often lent from my own life. I am always in awe at the contrast and the magic I see in front of me. For example, I am currently in Paris, sitting in a gorgeous reading room at Bibliothèque nationale de France (National Public Library of France) answering these questions, where I find myself watching a parade of silent children running through the rows of hunched working adults. They are not laughing. Or making any kind of noise. They are just running through the gorgeous rows of tables. What a contrast! What image and magic! And hardly anyone is looking up! Doesn’t that feel like a fairy tale? Or an allegory? Children running through a grand beautiful reading room of a world-famous library full of frowning adults?
I do the same in the verses you have pointed out. When I put [these contrasts] of the imagined and unimagined together, I surprise myself.
CW: Do you believe in epiphany? How does epiphany play a role in these poems?
AR: I believe in wonder, which can be quite like epiphany, but is not always the same. Epiphany feels like a lightbulb moment of occasional discovery, but wonder feels like a series of discoveries that were always present but are now fully being seen.
In this way, the form of the book holds a kind of wonder. It is an epic told in fragments. Even though I wrote it linearly and the editorial process did not include rearrangements but just clarifications, I saw how one narrative thread began to breathe while still supporting the other threads.
When I read the book out loud in readings, I flip through the book at random and read pieces from it. I am faced with more wonder in this as well.
CQ: Google is also frequently cited throughout the poems. Often, Google’s word is taken as factual and fills in missing gaps in the speaker’s knowledge—e.g. Google speaks on the status of New London, Connecticut, as a small city; on how many lives cats have; on what Islamic Barzakh is. Why did you invoke Google and what is the role of human technology in understanding these characters and poems?
AR: Isn’t Google some form of god now? We rely on it for all our small and big questions and immediately believe what it tells us. “Google says…” instead of “God says.” I find in both these common phrases a kind of significant mimicry.
In a past that’s not too far off (I am thinking of my parents’ lives), information was not accessible at all. My parents were probably faced with so much unknown but still had to strive forward with whatever understanding and skills they did have. They couldn’t just Google how to exactly use a new microwave they bought or how to apply for a visa to travel. In these observations, Google has become such a huge part of our contemporary lives that without it, we wouldn’t often know what to do. And with it, we often are also told how to live a life and exactly what to do.
Maybe I wanted to have Google in the book because so much of our consolations and salvation hinges on asking. In the past, we sat in prayer and asked. And now we get on our phones, maybe our hands poised ritually the same, and ask. We get answered in both ways. We believe. And sometimes, we don’t.
CQ: Another theme that pops up in the latter half of the book is forgetting. Of the Islamic heaven, you write, “Any kind of remembrance of our past lives, any regret, every love, it will all be flushed.” You, the speaker, ask if you will be forgotten on the day of judgment, and the mother says, “It’s inevitable…you will forget me too.” When the cat finds Godfish, dead, you write, “Would death tear them apart to a degree of absolute forget?” These lines really tugged at my heart. The fear of forgetting my loved ones after death is terrifying . How are these poems a response to the question of whether death is the ultimate forgetting?
AR: What we don’t remember also brings us relief. That’s the concept most Muslims have about death and afterlife. If I don’t remember the extent of love I feel for my mother, I would not feel the extent of her loss. I would be relieved of grief and the pain of it.
This is scary. But also, to some degree, comforting. There is consolation in thinking we won’t always be yearning for the ones we lose.
I have tried to tackle the question of love and endings through the poems in small and big ways. The last prose block of House Mouse “returning” holds that life and death can exist in mimicry. But what bridges each ending with another beginning is change and transformation.
CQ: There are a series of transformations: Godfish into a fish, the wishing tower into a pile of rubble. Are these “failed” transformations? Are they an inevitable part of the cycle of life?
AR: I don’t believe in “failed” transformations, and I think maybe that was what I was trying to truly say throughout this epic. Even though Godfish loses its God-ness, its existence still transformed the moon and the cat. The wishing tower is no longer able to grant wishes, and then it loses its life. But it transforms into something else, even if that is rubble which will erode away.
These losses are, in some ways, an indication of life’s inevitable end, yes, but [writing this book] also gave me the gift [of knowing] that there will always be some kind of other journey. Any end we think of is a ripple effect towards something else, beyond comprehension.
These fragmented thoughts are captured in the fragmented poems. We can see the “afterlives” of House Mouse, the Godfish and the tower. [I wanted to show how] there is never any true failure in our conventional ideas of failing. Things that “fall” fall to somewhere else.
CQ: Do you consider these poems of loss?
AR: Absolutely. But not only. These poems are full of grief. But also consolation. Also philosophical nurturings. They are an encouragement to move away from our unconventional thinking of the most universal experience of loss itself.
CQ: At the end of the book, House Mouse is somehow resurrected. I loved this ending, which felt joyous, miraculous, and yet also sad and full of grief because there is no one around to meet House Mouse. What are we to make of House Mouse’s return to life? What is House Mouse returning to?
AR: House Mouse holds huge parts of me as well as huge parts of the speaker, which, of course as poets say lingo, is both me and not me. The speaker leaves home, Pakistan, and goes to America, fulfilling her teenage dream to leave, but the speaker also returns. And with every return, there is change. Decay. Death. Loss. Transformations.
And each immigrant really asks these questions if they return [to where they have left]: “What am I returning to?” “What makes life life here and how much of it I have left?” “Who waits for me and who could not?”
“What has died and what still lives?”
Returning is hard. It is full of lamenting and an inconsolable feeling. We have to reckon with the relativity of time, the loss of romance, and changes that override our initial memories. House Mouse finally returns to the home which it left in the first prose block of the book. But so much has changed. What is home now?
I think there is consolation and love in the fact that we have our return. Even if our parents die. Even if our houses change. Even if the furniture gets full of dust. Just because there is this kind of loss, does not mean we do not feel all the presence of what home is there. Maybe, in life, forgetting can relieve us of pain, but remembrance reminds us of the original love we were given, however much it has been transformed.
CQ: You published Coining a Wishing Tower during the lockdown. Where were you, location-wise, when you heard that your book was accepted for publication? How did COVID-19 affect your experience writing and publishing this chapbook?
AR: This is actually a funny story. The day I got the email that I won the Broken River Prize from Platypus for the book was also the day Biden won (or, well, Trump lost) the elections—November 7 2020. We were all under strict Covid lockdown, but because of the election results, the streets of Brooklyn were flooded with cheers and shouts and music. We all ran through the streets. In that way, I felt I was also celebrating my own little win of accomplishing a dream (the wish I had coined a long time ago). The book was mostly written in 2019 around the loss of Q. But this book definitely was a huge victim of the pandemic aftermath. What with delays in publishing and then my press’s bankruptcy, my book only had a life in this world for one year. But I believe in its return. The life after its life.
CQ: What’s next for you?
AR: Even though I often fail to keep it as simple as the words I am about to say, all I truly desire is to keep writing. I am deeply in love with poetry. And I don’t think this affair will end at all. I am hoping to keep at it and, in small and big ways, keep being read.
To more poems! To more books!
Ayesha Raees عائشہ رئیس identifies herself as a hybrid creating hybrid poetry through hybrid forms. Her work strongly revolves around issues of race and identity, G/god and displacement, and mental illness while possessing a strong agency for accessibility, community, and change. Raees currently serves as an Assistant Poetry Editor at AAWW’s The Margins and has received fellowships from Asian American Writers’ Workshop, Brooklyn Poets, and Kundiman. Her debut chapbook “Coining A Wishing Tower” won the Broken River Prize, judged by Kaveh Akbar, and is published by Platypus Press. From Lahore, Pakistan, she currently shifts around Lahore, New York City, and Miami.