[UNTITLED] by Vladislav Hristov trans. Katerina Stoykova (from BULGARIAN)

the mobilizing of the troops
coincided with the amassing
of numerous migrating birds
only magpies crows and vultures
will winter here
sparrows titmouses finches
and the rest of the feathered ones
will seek the path to their salvation
some will become too attached to people
others will live in holes and shelters
in both cases
nobody again will call them
Katerina Stoykova is the author of several award-winning poetry books in English and Bulgarian, as well as the Senior Editor of Accents Publishing. Her latest book, Second Skin (ICU, 2018, Bulgarian) received the Vanya Konstantinova biannual national poetry award, as well as a grant from the European Commission’s program Creative Europe for translation and publication in English. Katerina acted in the lead roles for the independent feature films Proud Citizen and Fort Maria, both directed by Thom Southerland. Her poems have been translated into German, Spanish, Ukrainian, Bangla, Farsi, and a volume of her selected poems, translated into Arabic by acclaimed poet Khairi Hamdan, was published in Arabic from Dar Al Biruni press in 2022.