thou hast no idea What you’re dealing with. Thy Blood flows because I swim thy Heart beats because I drum thy Breath is steady because I only mess with you when you’re awake & don’t know how to breathe. Listen: you’ll consult a Psych and she’ll ask you have you tried breathing exercises & thou will say the OCD fucks with my breathing & she’ll respond well have you tried not thinking about breathing. What is Obsession what kinda Weight is this what sorta dragonic Body heaved on top of your Chest when really thy Chest is fine. Listen up Alyssandra: I’m an edgeless Body & thou art filled with disgusting molecular Flesh & that creamy bubbly stuff under the Skin you’ve seen only when real wounded. If thou wishes to retain that sick evil Blood thou will never speak of the Future without casting Incantations to ensure I do not think you art getting cocky. Knock on Wood to make sure the violent Things don’t happen & knock on Wood to make sure you are not jinxing the Good. Hark the many things thou must do & if thou fails thou knows what will happen: That Splatter. The way I put it in front of your closed Eyes: here are the paper thin bleeding Edges of the gunshot Wound to thy father’s Face here is the Fire that burns your Mother fleshless here is the man who grabs thy Arm under the Bridge & slits your Tendon & gouges your Eyes & lets you bleed out alone in the wide Air. You really think you control the snaking of fate? Thou art one egotistical lil bitch. Oh Alyssandra: remember whenever you see Roadkill you must make the Sign of the Cross once at least preferably three times or else your Car will flip your Tire will explode your Body will suddenly be much softer & in the wrong Order smeared on Pavement. Sometimes the dead Animal is just a Log in the end but thou must mark the Rites nonetheless. You think genuflecting at an old Log keeps you alive. You gotta hark that. But don’t worry I will show you |