TWO POEMS by Patrycja Humienik

let the wind take care of it
crack the door, a window, let the air crack
open the books stacked & strewn, too many
to read in the clutter of one life,
let blast into the burnt expanse of forest
in my mind: each day the mirror
invites me beyond the need
to be liked, into noticing:
slopes of collarbone, bowl of pelvis,
what i am being moved toward: an image
of myself, running out the car and toward
the singed trees, smell of gasoline
faint but clinging—
pluck a softness
i am belly up beneath the dogwood plucking petals
when night comes out sprawls out beside me
they say, if you want a name
i have a fissure
night knows i long for a new name
night’s pronouns are they/them
i nod we toss
voices in familiar lilt &
they say, you are swooned by seeming ground
what is beneath that?
i glue stamen to stigma
pollen’s lip-lock untethered
botany of another wish
to-have to-do
the shattering into
once upon a time
in an alley, city gave night their quiet back
at what cost i do not ask
night is matter of fact: no matter
how much salt
is in your head you still have
a body