While they’ve only met once, Sophie Klahr and Corey Zeller have been writing together for seven years, and have just now begun sending their work into the world in earnest. Sophie is the author of Meet Me Here At Dawn (YesYes Books); Corey is the author of You and Other Pieces (Civil Coping Mechanisms) and Man Vs. Sky (YesYes Books). Individually, they’ve been published in The New Yorker, American Poetry Review, The Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. Their collaborative work has been published or is forthcoming in Sixth Finch, The Rumpus and The Southeast Review. At present, mercifully, they live in the same time zone.
CLASP by Sophie Klahr and Corey Zeller
Monday, 11 November 2019
You were a room filled with paintings
of storms in the style of Turner
and each was gold—
end-of-day gold; gold
as you want me to be. Gold
as a sweet horse in a picture book.
Gold in that way, your way;
Gold when it’s lost,
how it seems more gold.
A girl’s tooth. That one you
saw in an elevator, took home
after. Fool’s gold.
Fool-me-once gold, come
twice gold. Your gold
chain as you hold yourself
over me, that rests in my mouth
like a horse’s bit.
- Published in Issue 16, Poetry, Uncategorized
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