Gerardo Mena has won or placed in several contests, was nominated for a Pushcart, was selected for Best New Poets 2011, and has pieces published or forthcoming in Ninth Letter, Cream City Review, Raleigh Review, Diagram, and the Nashville Review, among others.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
You wake up in the future and realize that everyone has evolved. People now have the head of a blue jay and the body of a shiny machine that whirs softly as its insides spin. You see two bird heads that look like your parents, but, of course, that is not possible.
When they see you they cry and shake their heads slowly with disappointment because you are not like them. I’m sorry, you say, your voice rough and hard from one thousand years of sleeping. We are all dying, they sing, their voices like glockenspiels.
Below, watch Gerardo Mena’s original video for “The Dangers of Time Travel”…
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