Jesus Devil Curse by Lisa Lewis

Five Poems by Rachel Brownson

Morning Ablution by Khaty Xiong

Exhibit by Leah Falk

Letting Evening Come On by Joshua Gottlieb-Miller

Two Poems by Brian Tierney

Stick and Poke Tattoo by Lucian Mattison

Mother at the Beginning of Time by Brian Russell

Three Poems by Caroline M. Mar

Two Poems by Angela Penaredondo

Almanac by Brian Simoneau

Lambing by George Kalamaras

The Lungfish by Michelle Gillett



Browning Up Nicely by S.M. Brodie

Five Stories by Karen Brennan



Judith Brassard Brown

(click to view full-size images)


THE LUNGFISH by Michelle Gillett

Deep down inside, I am afraid of the lungfish
suspended in its tank in the darkened room
meant to emulate time when desert was ocean
and ocean was all there was before we crept
on our stubs from the watery hem of existence
and  blinked at undiluted light. There was no
going back  although we still lacked breath enough
to inherit the earth.  Head down in its gloomy tank,
on our stubs from the watery hem of existence
and  blinked at undiluted light. There was no
going back  although we still lacked breath enough
to inherit the earth.  Head down in its gloomy tank,
God’s first creature made in his own image
before we began to feel at home in shallows and muck,
grew legs and arms,  sucked in air and named ourselves,
is who we are— bone and gut, God’s face before we invented it:
stone-like, wide mouth feeding on every element.